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A Good Reminder To Parents

By Minnesota Hockey - By Frank L. Smoll, Ph.D., and Ronald E. Smith, Ph.D., 01/09/13, 11:00PM CST


Some guidelines for appropriate parent behavior

Hey Mom and Dad, Behave Yourselves!

Most parents—indeed, all parents—want their children to succeed in youth sports. OK, let’s admit it: They would like their children to be stars. That’s normal. And they want to be involved in their star’s—err, child’s—sport activities. That, too, is normal. In fact, parental involvement is a critical element in the overall success of youngsters’ sport participation.

Youth sports should be viewed as a part of child rearing, and parents obviously should be part of that experience. But parents’ obligation to participate must include taking responsibility for behaving appropriately. Coaches, program administrators, sport officials, and the athletes themselves have a right to demand that spectators conform to acceptable standards of behavior.

What are some guidelines for appropriate parent behavior prior to and during sports events? Read more ...