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Displaying Results 291 - 298 of 298

Calendar Raffle Winners

By Juli 01/17/2010, 7:05am CST

And the winners are...

Volunteer Opportunities

By Juli 01/02/2010, 5:30pm CST

Don't forget to check the sign-up sheets at LSCC for Volunteer Opportunities

Fun was had by all at the Bulldogs Street Hockey Tournament

By Juli Sowder 10/12/2009, 10:15pm CDT

Perfect Weather and a Great Group of People = Lots of Fun

The 2009/2010 Hockey season has officially started!

By Juli Sowder 10/10/2009, 9:30pm CDT

The teams have been set and practices have started.

How do I dress my hockey player?

By . 10/08/2009, 2:27pm CDT

Are you new to hockey and unsure as to how to dress your hockey player?

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Displaying Results 291 - 298 of 298